Vitruvian Penguin

[knoppix:0090] Re: Label design for KNOPPIX

Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 17:57:00 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i
On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 09:45:45PM +0900, Kuniyasu SUZAKI wrote:
> Dear Dr. Knopper,
> Hello! Could you get Knoppix Japanese edition CD-ROM?  

Hello Mr. Suzaki,

Yes, of course, it arrived last week. Very nicely done.
Thanks a lot for sending me the CDs, I appreciate it
very much.

Btw, I'm not a doctor, just an engineer, which is not an
academic title. ;-)

> It could be popular and we made mailing list for Knoppix.
> I got a comment that my design was not suitable for Knoppix.  I agreed
> that cooment and I called for new label design at our home page.

I thought that the design was nice. Black on white, clear, verbose.
I can't read the japanese text but assume it describes what is on the
CD. I also liked the logos of various applications, so anyone can
immediately identify his favourite applications.

Out web designer who created the Knoppix 3.1 graphics had put a rather
"Matrix-like" design on the cover and label, but this is not necessarily
the definite atmosphere for Knoppix.

> A
> member offered us some CD label designs for Knoppix and I make home
> page for them.  Please visit the home page for label designs.

Most of these labels would require the CD label to be printed in more
than the usual 2 colors (with rasterizing). This can get expensice,
especially the "Knoppix on Flower" version, which does look cool,
but would be very expensice to print, I guess.

So far I like the "flower" label best, but it lacks contrast for the
fonts, so you may have to outline them for better readability.
The "BlackTexture" may fit best for the current design though.

> They are designs for Japanese version. Shall we call for designs for
> original version?

Attached are the graphics previews that are currently used for the
LinuxTag printed editions of Knoppix 3.0 here in Germany. The label
is printed in 2 colors, the cover is in 4 colors. The bootlogo (taken
from the current version 3.1) is 16 colors vga graphics as used by
syslinux. Sorry if this mail got a little large now.

Our webdesigner, Michael Kleinhenz (kleinhenz@xxxxxxxxxxxx) is currently
doing the graphics, you may want to contact him and ask for
more/different designs. He also knows what it possible for the usual
printing standards.

> And can I forward this message knoppix-knoppix mailing list?

Of course. :-)
debian-knoppix@xxxxxxxxxxxx is the list here in germany, but you need
to subscribe first at if you don't already
have done so.

Caution: The domain is currently unavailable from some
places until the new DNS propagation for the backup webserver went
through. Our Provider Comdas.DE has hardware problems for 4 days
now, that's why the Knoppix forum at
is also unreachable for the moment. :-(

> P.S.
> I don't want to put AIST logo to designs. I want to gather many
> designs for Knoppix Uses can select one if they like.
> P.P.S
> Carbon copyed mailing list is limited for the member. However you mail
> will be posted after I admit. Thank you.


-Klaus Knopper
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Knopper                              Dansenberger Stra(I_(Be 
Phone+Fax: +49 631 51504                              67661 Kaiserslautern                               GERMANY
LinuxTag 2003 - Europes largest Linux Expo            Where .com meets .org
Phone +49 180 5 LINUXTAG                              Fax +49 180 5 LINUXFAX                              Technical Solutions

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Attachment: knoppix3-cover-front.gif
Description: GIF image

Attachment: knoppix3-label.gif
Description: GIF image

Attachment: knoppix-bootlogo-3.1.gif
Description: GIF image

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