Vitruvian Penguin

[knoppix:5593] Re: 4. 0CD版が出ないのは unionfsが原因?

Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:47:01 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ja-JP; rv:1.7.11) Gecko/20050728
原田@鹿児島高専 さん wrote:
> KNOPPIX11スレ(
> に、
> 『4.0のCD版がなかなか出ないが、unionfsが安定しないせいである。 』
> って書いてあった。
> 確かに致命的だと思うのですがどうでしょうか?


◎DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 118, 19 September 2005

KNOPPIX 4 live CD delayed, Xenoppix launched

 Those of you who are desperately waiting for the new KNOPPIX 4 live CD
will be pleased to learn that the new version is still under
development, but due to a major technical issue, the release has been
put on a temporary hold. Klaus Knopper:

"Since both the 4.0.2 DVD and CD versions are basically finished, there
won't be a 4.0.1 CD version, but the upcoming 4.0.2 release instead. The
only thing I'm desperately waiting for is Unionfs to get into a more
stable state. At the moment, there are unacceptable instabilities when
overwriting existing files on a mounted Unionfs directory multiple
times, resulting in kernel oopses after update-menus when a new Debian
package is being installed, and CUPS frequently segfaulting because the
configuration file can't be rewritten. I would like to fix that, which
is a pure Unionfs problem, before the release goes online."
(以下 略)
Unionfs problem ですね。



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