Knoppix 5.1のミニアナウンスメントがありました。
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Klaus Knopper <debian-knoppix@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Dec 14, 2006 7:13 PM
Subject: Knoppix 5.1 Mini-Announcement
To: debian-knoppix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear List,
To give you a brief overview about what we have done recently, and
what's still pending, and to maybe also give our valued reader Gilles
something to satisfy his curiosity ( ;-) ), here is a short list.
Done (in the DVD version):
- Kernel 2.6.19(.1) + fuse 2.6.1
- Replacing unionfs by aufs for better stability & performance
- 安定性と高速性を高めるため、unionfs を aufs に
- KDE 3.5.5
- ntfs-3g (12.12.2006), works with "knoppix tohd="
- knoppix tohd= で、ntfs-3g が動く
- ntfsprogs-Update (fixes possible but not yet verified problems
with Windows Vista Partition resizing)
- ntfsprogsアップデート、Windows Vistaのパティションサイズ変更で起こる問題については未検証
- integration of desktop option 3D WM beryl+emerald as add-on for KDE
- KDEのアドオンとしてデスクトップ・オプション3D WM beryl+emerald統合
(with absolutely no proprietary drivers, therefore it won't work with
NVidia cards, sorry).
This is supposed to be one of the "highlights"
of this release. Looks spiffy and has some very useful desktop helper
functions such as realtime zoom, sorted window overview, transparency
(teachers can blend slides over program output & similar), and much
more. You should try it. ;-)
- "The Big Fat Update" (Debian etch)
- Fixing everything that apparently didn't work anymore after TBFU.
- Script for creating a bootable memorystick from the live system
(Martin Öhler)
- ライブ・システムからブータブル・メモリースティックを作成するスクリプト
- OpenOffice 2.0.4 (I know, it's already obsolete, see below...)
- OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 (すでに新しいのが出ているのは承知、下記参照)
- Bugfixes/Patches for freenx, knoppix-terminalserver, and tons of script fixes
we got complaints for not working under different not-so-rare
conditions. (Martin Öhler & me)
- Thinking about whether to completely remove the knoppix-installer, or take
another week for rewriting it from scratch, or keep the current
"works-occasionally" version.
- OpenOffice 2.1 (today)
- OpenOffice.org 2.1 (今日リリースされたみたい、12月14日)
- Testing on various hardware (just to make sure it does not break
anything accidentially, but the public version is, as always,
still "experimental". ;-)
- Deleting 75% of the software contained in the DVD version, in order to
create the CD version. This will be a very time-consuming task. I tend
to release the DVD a few days earlier that the CD because of this.
I'm not giving a release date, but hopefully (no promises) we get it
ready before the year is over.
-Klaus Knopper
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